Hollow, muscular, four chambered organ located in the middle of the thoracic cavity between the lungs in the space called mediastinum
Heart Chambers and Valves
AV Valves (Tricuspid and Bicuspid/Mitral)
Chordae Tendineae
Phases of ECG
1. P Wave (Atrial depolarization)
2. PR Interval (Time from beginning of atrial depolarization to beginning of ventricular depolarization)
3. QRS Complex (Ventricular depolarization)
4. ST Segment (Period between ventricular depolarization and beginning of ventricular repolarization)
5. T Wave (Ventricular repolarization)
6. QT Interval (Total time for ventricular depolarization and repolarization)
Cardiac Output
Amount of blood pumped by the ventricles during a given period of time (usually 1 min), determined by stroke volume (SV) multiplied by heart rate (HR)
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood pumped from the heart with each contraction (usually 70 ml from left ventricle)
Carotid Artery Pulse
Right and left common carotid arteries extend from brachiocephalic trunk and aortic arch, located in groove between trachea and sternocleidomastoid muscles, supply neck and head including brain with oxygenated blood, pulse has smooth, rapid upstroke in early systole and gradual downstroke
Jugular Venous Pulse and Pressure
Internal and external jugular veins, assessment important for determining hemodynamics of right side of heart, level reflects right atrial (central venous) pressure and right ventricular diastolic filling pressure
Health Assessment - Collecting Subjective Data
Helps identify abnormal conditions affecting ability to perform activities of daily living, provides information on risks for cardiovascular disease, helps identify need for health education
History of Present Health Concern
COLDSPA (Chest pain and palpitations, Other symptoms, Last ECG, Diagnosed conditions, Surgeries, Prescribed medications, Alcohol/smoking, Family history)
Questions about history of hypertension, MI, CHD, elevated cholesterol, DM
Lifestyle and Health Practices
Questions about smoking, stress, diet, alcohol, exercise, daily activities, sexual activity, sleep
Collecting Objective Data
Major purpose is to identify signs of heart disease to initiate early referral and treatment, includes assessment of heart and neck vessels, BP, skin, nails, head, thorax, lungs, peripheral pulses
Preparing the Client
Expose anterior chest, supine position with head elevated 30 degrees, left lateral position, sitting up and leaning forward
Stethoscope, small pillow, penlight, watch with second hand, centimeter ruler
Understanding anatomy and function of heart and major coronary vessels is important to identify and interpret heart sounds and ECGs accurately
Knowing normal cardiovascular variations in elderly clients is important