Social learning theory

Cards (7)

  • Assumptions
    Bandura agreed with behaviourists that behaviour learnt through experience but SLT - learn through observation and imitation of others
    Learning occurs directly through classical and operant conditioning but also indirectly
  • Vicarious reinforcement
    Individual observes behaviour of others
    Imitation only occurs if behaviour is seen to be rewarded rather than punished - this called vicarious reinforcement
  • Mediational processes 

    Mental factors mediate in learning process to determine whether a new response is acquired
    Motor reproduction
  • Identification
    People more likely to imitate people they identify with - identification
    Person they identify with called role model
    Person becomes role model if they are seen to posses similar characteristics to observer and/or attractive and have high status. Role models may not be physically present in environment - imprint implications for the importance of media on behaviour.
  • Bandura
    Study A: Young children watched adults behave in aggressive way towards bobo doll - adult hit bobo doll and shouted abuse at it
    When these children later observed playing with various toys including bobo doll, they behaved much more aggressively towards doll than control group who observed a non agressive adult
  • Bandura and Walters
    Study B: Showed video to children where adult behaved aggressively towards bobo doll. One group of children saw adult praised for their behaviour and second group saw adult being punished for their aggression by being told off. Control group saw aggression without any consequence
    When given their own bobo doll to play with the first group showed much more aggression followed by the third group, then the second
  • Real world application 

    Cane explain cultural differences in behaviour
    Modelling, imitation and reinforcement can account for how children learn from others around them - including media - explain how cultural norms are transmitted through particular societies - useful for understanding range of behaviours such as how children come to understand their gender role. Increases value of approach bc it can account for real life behaviour