
Cards (15)

  • sleep cycle is regulated by circadian rhythm which is driven by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus
  • suprachiasmatic nucleus is regulated by the environment( light)
  • circadian rhythm controls nocturnal release of ACTH melatonin and prolactin and norepinephrine
  • suprachiasmatic nucleus releases norepinephrine which stimulates pineal gland to release melatonin
  • alcohol benzodiazepines and barbiturates decrease rem and N3
  • norepinephrine decreases rem
  • benzodiazepines can be used for night terrors and sleepwalking
  • awake and eyes open is alert and active mental concentration appears as Beta waves on eeg (highest frequency lowest amplitude)
  • awake with eyes closed appears as Alpha wave

  • N1: light sleep theta wave
  • What occurs in Rem :
    • clitoral/penile swelling
    • increased o2 usage
    • rapid eye movements due to paramedian pontine occular center/conjugate gaze center
    • increased acetylcholine
    • memory processing function
    • dreaming and nightmares
  • REM decreases in older adults and n3 decreases sleep latency increases and increased early awakenings
  • rem latency decreases in depression and rem time increases and n3 decreases so repeated nightime awakenings early morning awakenings
  • N2: deeper sleep bruxism occurs here sleep spindles and k complexes
  • N3:night terrors and sleepwalking and bed wetting delta waves ( lowest frequency highest amplitude) deepest sleep stage