Cards (6)

  • ERP's are more specific than EEG's, bringing more detail to the brain's activity. They have excellent temporal resolution meaning ERP's are frequently used in cognitive research.
  • Reseach has been able to identify many different types of ERP and describe the precise role of these in cognitive functioning.
  • Critict have poined to a lack of standardisation in ERP methodology between different research studies which makes it difficult to confirm findings.
  • Lack of standardisation makes it difficuly to confirm findings in studies involving ERP's. Extraneous variables including background noise must be completely eliminated which is not always easy to achieve.
  • Allows researchers to link brainwaves (ERP’s) to specific behaviour
  • This way of measuring brain activity is advantageous as it enables determination of how processing is affected by a specific experimental manipulation. This makes ERPs a more experimentally robust method as it can eliminate extraneous neutral activity, something that other scanning techniques may struggle to do.