Circadian rhythms are the biological rhythms that last for 24 hours.
An example of a circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle.
Siffre's case study - underground for 6 months, which allowed for his internal body clock to 'free run' and it settled in to a sleep/wake cycle of around 25 hours.
Aschoff and Wever studied ppts living in a WW1 bunker for four weeks without any natural light. They found that their sleep wake cycle extended to 25 hours a day and one ppt 29 hours.
Core body temperature - varies by 2 degrees during the course of the day, and evidence suggests that it may have an effect on our mental abilities; the warmer we are internally the better our cognitive performance.
Folkard demonstrated how children who had stories read to them around 3pm showed superior recall and comprehension a week after, compared to children who heard the same stories at 9am.
Gupta found improved performance on IQ test when ppts were assessed at 7pm as opposed to 2pm and 9am, showing body temperature may have an effect on ourmental abilities.