AlcoholicStool - Gray, pale, or clay colored stool due to absence of stercobilin caused by biliary obstruction
Hematochezia - Bright red color due to lower GI tract bleeding
Melena - Black tarry stool due to upper GI Tract bleeding
Steatorrhea - Greasy, bulky, foul smelling stool. Due to presence of undigested fat like HB-Pancreatic obtructions/ disorder
CONSTIPATION - Passage of small, dry , hard stool or the passage of no stool for a period of time.
FECAL IMPACTION - Mass or collection of hardened, putty-like feces in the folds of the rectum.
DIARRHEA - Frequent evacuation of watery stool.
FLATULENCE - Presence of excessive gas in the intestines. Tympanitic sound when auscultate. Caused by gas forming foods, swallowed air; can indicate infection if the colon
INCONTINENCE - Physical condition that impairs anal sphincter function/ control
HEMORRHOIDS - Dilated, engorged veins; internal or external. Caused by straining with defecation; pregnancy; heart failure; or chronic liver disease
Adult - Fr.22-32
Children - Fr 14-18
Infant - Fr 12
Urine produced at a rate of 60 ml/hr
Bladder stores for about 500 ml/ more
Residual urine: 50-60 m
Void - detrusor muscle contracts and urine is pushed through internal urethral sphincter into urethra
Anti coagulants - red color
Diuretics - lighten urine- pale yellow
Rifampacin - orange-red orange urine
Elavil - green to blue green
Levodopa - brown or black
Polyuria - increase in urine or production of excessive amount of urine such as more than 100ml/hr or 2500ml/day
Oliguria- production of decreased amount of urine such as less of 30ml/hr or less than 500 ml/hr.
Anuria - absence or no urine at all
Frequency - voiding at frequent intervals
Nocturia - increased frequency urine at night; seen at elderly
Urgency - strong feeling that a person wants to void. There may or may not be a great amount of urine in the bladder
Dysuria - voiding that either difficult or painful.
Hesitancy - difficulty in initiating urination.
Enuresis - increased frequency of urination at night; seen at children.
Pollakuria- frequent scanty urination
TotalIncontinence- continuous and unpredictable loss of urine.
Stress Incontinence - leakage of <50ml of urine as a result of sudden increase in intraabdominal pressure
UrgeIncontinence - follows a sudden strong desire to urinate and leads to involuntary detrusor contraction.