Fight or Flight

Cards (9)

  • What is the Endocrine System?
    - Network of glands throughout body that manufacture and secrete hormones
    - Uses blood system to deliver hormones to target sites in body
    - Endocrine glands consist of :Pituitary gland, adrenal glands and reproductive organs
  • What are Hormones?
    - Chemical messengers that circulate bloodstream and are carried to target sites
    - When enough receptor sites are stimulated, physiological reaction takes place in target cell
  • What is the role of the Pituitary Gland (PG)?
    - Master gland, primary role is to influence the release of hormones from other glands therefore regulating most bodily functions
    - Controlled by hypothalamus
    - Has 2 main parts:
    ○ Anterior (front): releases ACTH as response to stress, stimulates adrenal glands to produce cortisol
    ○ Posterior (back): releases oxytocin, stimulates contraction of uterus for childbirth
  • What is the role of the Adrenal Glands?
    - Made of the adrenal cortex (outer part) and adrenal medulla (inner region)
    - Hormones released by adrenal CORTEX are vital for life, unlike ones released by adrenal medulla
    - Cortex produces cortisol, regulating and supporting of functions e.g. cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory
    - Medulla releases adrenaline and noradrenaline - helps fight or flight
  • What is the Fight-or-Flight Response (FFR)?

    - Activity in the body triggered in emergency situations to defend/attack or run to safety
  • What role does the amygdala and hypothalamus play during FFR?
    - When faced with threat, amygdala mobilised → It associates sensory signals with FFR emotions
    - Sends distress signal to hypothalamus which communicates with rest of body through sympathetic nervous system
  • What are acute stressors?
    - This triggers the sympathetic nervous system, preparing body for rapid action by sending signal to adrenal medulla which releases adrenaline
    - Adrenaline then causes faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, rapid breathing (more oxygen), release of glucose supplying energy
    - Parasympathetic nervous system kicks in after threat has passed, slows down heart rate and breathing, decrease blood pressure
  • What are chronic stressors?
    - Ongoing stressors e.g. work/school
    - Adrenal Glands: ACTh stimulates cortex to release stress-related hormones e.g. cortisol which results in burst of energy and lower sensitivity to pain (too much can lead to impaired cog. performance & low immune response
  • Evaluate the Fight or Flight Response
    ✗ Stressors of modern life rarely require the energetic behavioural response that is associated with FFR, when repeatedly activated can result in downfalls e.g. increased blood pressure = damage to blood vessels & possible heart disease
    ✗ Gray argues that first reaction isn't to fight or flee, but to freeze, focus attention and look for info on possible threat
    According to Taylor women are more likely to protect their offspring (tend) and form alliances with other women (befriend), rather than fight an adversary or flee.