Social learning theory

Cards (8)

  • Assumptions of SLT
    • People are manipulators of their own environment 
    • Learning occurs through observation of models
    • learning can take place without reinforcement
    • Uses cognitive processes that intervene between stimulus and response
  • What are the mediational processes?
    • Meditational processes cognitive factors that influence learning 
    • Attention- seeing behaviour  (role model is most influential)
    • Retention - remembering behaviour Motor
    • reproduction- ability to perform behaviour 
    • Motivation- the will to perform behaviour (often determined by the consequence)
  • Bobo doll experiment 1
    • Group 1 observed women playing with toys and acting aggressively towards bobo doll
    • Group 2 observe the same woman playing with all the toys the same
    • when playing with the toys group 1 acted aggressively towards the bobo doll
    • this shows modelling, the child is imitating the behaviour they see
    • Observational learning and imitation
  • Banduras bobo doll experiment 2
    • all groups saw a video of an adult behaving aggressively towards bobo doll
    • Group 1 saw the adult praised
    • group 2 saw the adult punished
    • group 3 saw no consequence
    • When playing with the same toys group 1 showed the most aggression
    • group 2 show the least aggression
    • This shows vicarious reinforcement - seeing others rewarded for behaviour so imitate
  • vicarious reinforcement
    • reinforcement which isn’t directly experienced but occurs through observing someone else be reinforced for a behaviour
    • The learner observes the behaviour, but more importantly, the consequence
  • A03 - explains cultural differences in behaviour
    • a strength is that SLT can explain cultural differences in behaviour
    • The principles such as modelling, imitation and reinforcement can account for how children learn from others around them
    • explains how cultural norms are transmitted
  • A03 - using lab studies for evidence
    • Although lab studies are highly controlled
    • participants may respond to demand characteristics
    • for example, the main purpose of the doll is to strike it so the children were simply behaving in a way they thought was expected
    • The research may tell us little about how children learn in every day life
  • A03 - ignores biological differences in boys and girls
    • SLT suggests that we learn from experiences, it ignores other biological and physical factors.
    • boys are usually more aggressive due to their high levels of testosterone which is linked to increase aggressiveness.
    • its not a complete explanation for SLT