Best poems to compare

Cards (8)

  • ‘Ozymandias‘ and ’My Last Duchess’
    Both explore how humans think they are all powerful (symbolised through art) but ultimately this sense of power is revealed to be an illusion
  • ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ and ‘Exposure’
    Both explore how soldiers are worthy of great honour but war often involves pointless suffering
  • ‘Kamikaze’ and ‘The Prelude’
    Both explore how humans think they are all powerful but ultimately it is nature that is truly powerful
  • ‘War Photographer’ and ‘Poppies’
    Both explore the domestic impact of war but ‘War Photographer’ focuses on the National indifference whereas ‘Poppies’ focuses on personal grief
  • ‘Storm on the Island’ and ‘The Emigree’
    Both address the power of nature and place but whilst ‘Storm on the Island’ demonstrates the destructive power of nature, ‘The Emigree’ emphasises the enduring emotional connection to the speakers homeland
  • ‘Checking Out Me History’ and ’London’
    Both challenge institutions that define and confine identity but whilst ‘Checking Out Me History’ critiques the education system, ‘London’ reveals that oppressive nature of government and religion.
  • ‘Remains‘ and ‘Bayonet Charge’
    Both explore the personal impact of conflict, but whilst ‘Remains’ examines the lingering psychological consequences of a soldier’s actions, ’Bayonet Charge’ focuses on the immediate struggle experience by soldier during battle
  • ‘Tissue’ and ‘Ozymandias’
    Both explore how humans try to control and exert power, but ultimately it is nature that is truly powerful