
    Cards (3)

    • reductionist
      -reduces phobias to learnt behaviours
      -too simplistic
      -evolutionary theory > genetically programmed to make associations between life-threatening stimuli & fear
      -- STUDY --
      > infants aged 8-16 months
      > failed to learn fear of building blocks when paired with loud bell
      > fear response only learnt with living animals (EEA)
    • deterministic
      -suggests people have no control over phobias as it's determined by environment
      -says learnt association WILL lead to phobia
    • Diathesis-Stress Model better
      -proposes we have genetic predisposition for developing mental disorders > phobias (diathesis)
      -disorder only develop if there's environmental trigger (stress)
      -explains why not everyone who's bitten by dog develops phobia
      > must have genetic predisposition for this type of phobia