social learning theory

Cards (6)

  • ao1
    behaviour learned through observation and imitation, directly through Oc an CC but also indirectly
    • vicarious reinforcement - learn by observing what others get rewarded and punished for, imitate if observe pos outcome
    • SLT bridge between BA and CA as focus on how mental factors involved in learning, meditational processes intervene in learning process to decide if new response is acquired
    • attention - extent to notice behaviour
    • retention - how the behaviour is remembered
    • motor rep - ability of observer to perform behaviour
    • motivation - will to perform based on consequences
  • ao1
    • people more likely to imitate person they identify with (identification), person is role model and imitating them is called modelling. more likely to show modelling if attractive high status or similar to us eg age gender
    • Bandura ppt watch adult behave aggressively to bobo doll with hammer and verbal abuse, child more aggressive to doll and other toys if watched adult (modelling and identification) if same gender more likely
    • adult praised for behaviour = more aggressive, if punished and told of least likely, control of no consequence more than told off group
  • strength
    recognition of cognitive factors
    • neither OC CC can offer adequate account of learning on own
    • eg how we store info about behaviour of others and use this to make judgements about when appropriate to perform tasks
    • learning would be hazardous if people had to solely rely on effects of their own actions to inform them of what to do - Bandura
    • provides more comprehensive learning explanation
  • limitation
    too little reference to bio factors
    • bandura claimed natural bio differences influenced learning potential but still thought learning determined by enviro
    • research sugggests the kind of observational learning suggested by SLT may be result of mirror neurons in brain allowing us to emphathise and imitate others
    • partial explanation as underestimated bio effects
  • limitation
    evidence from lab studies
    • bandura ideas developed through observations of children in lab, lab criticised for contrived nature where ppt respond to DC
    • chikdren only aggressive to doll as main purpose of doll is to strike so acting how expected to
    • resesrch tells us little about how children learn aggression in real life
  • strength
    RWA principles applied to range of real world behaviours
    • SLT can explain cultural differences in behaviour
    • orinciples like modelling and imitation can account for how children learn from others around them and this can explain social cultural norms of behaviour being transmutted through society
    • useful in understanding range of key behavuour eg how children develop to understand gender role
    • value as accounts for real world behaviour