What two muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm and what is their function?
Levator ani and coccygeus
Function to close inferior outlet of pelvis, support and elevate pelvic floor, support pelvic viscera and resist expulsive efforts of abdominal musculature
Know manubrium, body and xiphoid process. Know jugular notch (superior), sternal angle between manubrium and body, xiphisternal joint (fuses with age), and manubriosternal joint
What ribs are true and what are false/floating
True = ribs 1-7
False = 8-12 (11,12 float)
What are the atypical thoracic vertebrae and why are they atypical?
T1 = full articular facet superiorly and demifacet inferiorly
T9 = demifacet superiorly, not facet inferiorly
T10 = Full facet
T11,12 = Full facet and no transverse process facet because floating ribs
What is the only connection between axial and upper limb?
Sternoclavicular joint
Pectoral girdle and upper limb: joint structural and functional classification