Cards (24)

  • Feminism
    The belief that men and women deserve equality in all opportunities, treatments, respect, and social rights
  • Feminist
    People who try to acknowledge social inequalities and stop them from continuing. They believed that men have more opportunities than women throughout history
  • Feminist Critique of Popular Culture
    • Pop culture marginalizes or stereotypes women
    • It neglects women as audiences
  • Symbolic Annihilation
    The exclusion, marginalization and trivialization of women and their interest in media and popular culture. Women are socialized into performing roles by cultural representations which attempts them to become natural to all women
  • Gaye Tuchman is an American sociologist
  • How media portrays women
    • Homewrecker
    • Pink-collar Job
    • Mother
  • How women are portrayed in relation to men
    • Dependent
    • Sexual Objects
    • Who cannot live without Men
  • Women in Advertisements
    • Women in advertisements are sexualized and made for men's pleasure
    • These advertisements promotes an idealized and unrealistic body type which portray models with a noticeably smaller physique, flawless complexion, and a "perfect" body shape, a marketing strategy that can have an adverse effect on women's self-esteem
  • Women in Comics
    • Women in comics are portrayed as a damsel in distress
    • This portrayal perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes by suggesting that women are incapable of taking care of themselves or solving their own problems
    • They are portrayed as those who always need to be saved by men
    • Looking at the given covers, women are illustrated with less clothing or clothes inappropriate in the given setting, unlike men
  • Radical Feminism
    A philosophy emphasizing the patriarchal roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, the social domination of women by men.
  • Socialist Feminism
    A movement that calls for an end to capitalism through a socialist reformation of our economy.
  • Cultural Feminism
    Emphasizes essential differences between men and women, based on biological differences in reproductive capacity.
  • Liberal Feminism
    Focuses on women's ability to maintain their equality through their actions and choices.
  • Beyonce is a feminist who uses her popularity to advocate
  • Beyonce: '"I'm over being a pop star. I don't wanna be a hot girl. I wanna be iconic."'
  • Beyonce stands for women and recreates the "We Can Do It," graphic which was the first movement of feminist before
  • Women should not allow society to limit what they can do
  • Liberal feminism's primary goal is gender equality in the public sphere, such as equal access to education, equal pay, and ending job sex segregation.
  • Liberal feminists want the same things men want: to get an education; to make a decent living; and to provide for one's family
  • Cultural feminists believe that if women ruled the world, there would be no more war and it would be a better place. It is because they believe that women are inherently more kind, caring, and cooperative
  • Socialist feminism argues that capitalism strengthens and supports sexist status because men are the ones who currently have power and money. Those men are more willing to share their power and money with other men, which means that women are continually given fewer opportunities and resources.
  • The goal of socialist feminism is for women to work with men to achieve a level playing field for both genders
  • Radical feminists suggest changes, such as finding technology that will allow babies to grow outside of a woman's body, to promote more equality between men and women.
  • Radical feminists note that this traditional dichotomy maintains men as economically in power over women, and therefore, the usual family structure should be rejected. Radical feminism opposes patriarchy, not men