Quizzes and Practice Questions

Cards (19)

    1. Sally has learned to use introspection to break down her senses into smaller components. This approach aligns with structuralism.
    1. Henry is a split-brain patient. He is shown two pictures simultaneously while he is fixating on the center of a screen. On the right side there is a picture of a flower, and on the left side a picture of a dog. When Henry is asked what he sees, what will he say?
    A flower
    1. For each participant that comes into the lab Jaqueline flips a coin. If the coin lands on “heads” she puts them in one level of the IV if the coin lands on “tails” she puts them in the other. This best illustrates the principle of ____________________.
    Random assignment
  • Mirela is interested in the impact of sugar consumption on children's energy levels. She randomly assigns children to eat a sugary snack or not. One hour later she has children rate how much energy they have on a scale from 1-10. Which research method did she use?
    An experimental study
    1. In the ____________ phase of the action potential __ rushes out of the neuron.
    Depolarization; Na+
  • Dr. Hernandez predicts that the group of rats that receives “medication A” will see a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms compared to “medication B”. He administers the medications to the rats every day. Dr. Hernandez never directly handles or holds the rats, but he does know which rats receive which medication. . .Dr. Hernandez rates each rat’s freezing behavior on a 7-point scale and their exploration on a 7-point scale by watching them for 20 minutes. Given the design of the experiment there is a possibility that ______________ may impact the results.
    Experimenter bias
  • Jing is a professor at UCLA. She studies how alcohol might impact balance and coordinated movement. What area of the brain do you think she would be most interested in investigating?
    The cerebellum
  • A researcher is interested in whether watching sad movies makes people sadder. She has participants watch a 1-hour segment from a comedic movie or a one hour segment from a sad movie. Then, participants are asked to rate on a scale from 1 to 10 how sad they feel. What is the dependent variable?
    participants' ratings of sadness
  • As part of an experiment, Feng is seated in front of a blank computer screen. On each trial, an object appears and the task is to name the object as rapidly as possible. The object is either presented alone or within a scene. For example, a chicken may be presented alone or in a barnyard. Feng is significantly faster at naming the object when it is presented in a scene. This result of faster reaction times is evidence for:
    Top-down processing in visual perception
  • Katrina knows she is participating in a psychology experiment about math test anxiety. When she arrives at the lab to take the math test, the experimenter greets her and is very friendly. Just before she begins the test the experimenter tells her that she’s probably really good at math and they are sure she will do well on the test. She thinks that she must be in the low anxiety group and intentionally tries to perform better. This would most clearly be an example of
    demand characteristics
  • When a neuron is at rest there are more ___ ions outside the cell and more ___ ions inside the cell.
    Na+; K+
  • Vanya is a participant in a study on visual perception. She is told to tap a key each time she sees a letter quickly appear and disappear on the screen. On one trial, Vanya does not press the key even though a letter quickly flashed on the screen. How should this trial be classified?
  • Eloise wants to know if eating a banana after a workout decreases muscle soreness among women college softball players. To test her hypothesis, she accesses a database of all the women college softball players in the world, and uses the computer to randomly draw the names of 20 players to participate in her study. Eloise is using _______.
    Random sampling
  • As a result of a stroke a patient is having difficulty moving limbs (i.e., arms and legs) on one side of their body. Based on our discussion in class about the functions of the 4 cortical lobes, this difficulty could stem from damage to which lobe?
    Frontal lobe
  • In the ____________ phase of the action potential __ rushes into the neuron.
    Depolarization, Na+
  • Dr. Du studies emotional processing in the brain, particularly how people learn to fear specific events/things. What area of the brain do you think she would be most interested in investigating?
    The amygdala
  • The ________ lobe is responsible for the initial processing of auditory information and the _______ lobe is responsible for the initial processing of visual information
    Temporal; occipital
  • During a hearing test, many sounds were presented at such a low level of intensity that Javier could only detect them 10% of the time. These sounds were below Javier's ____________
    Absolute threshold
  • Simon’s corpus callosum has been severed. He is shown two pictures simultaneously while he is fixating on the center of a screen. On the left side there is a picture of a coat, and on the right side there is a picture of a cup. When Simon is asked to draw with his left hand what will he draw?
    A coat