Freud adopted the use of psychic determinism = This is the idea that all behaviour is caused by unconscious internal conflicts, over which we have no control
Since we are completely unaware of our unconscious, inferences of its workings can be made through the psychoanalysis (analysing symbols in dreams) and psychotherapy
The unconscious stores our biological drives and instincts (e.g. hunger, thirst and sex) as well as upsetting and disturbing thoughts repressed from the conscious
The innate part of the personality, and operates on the pleasure principle. Therefore, the Id constantly demands instant gratification (e.g. to fulfill innate, biological instincts, such as hunger and thirst) and so is in conflict with the superego
Based on case studies of Little Hans, where Freud suggested his phobia of horses stemmed from a fear towards his father due to sexual desires for his mother
Freud's concept of psychic determinism, where all behaviour is the product of unconscious internal conflicts, is not in line with scientific methods of investigating behaviour