explanations of conformity

Cards (9)

  • informational social influence 

    person conforms because of the desire to be right
  • informational social influence occurs when people are not sure how to behave so they use the majority as a source of information
  • informational social influence is usually associated with :
    internalisation = changing public behaviour and private beliefs
  • informational social influence example
    in a classroom, a child goes along with the answer of someone who they perceive to be highly intelligent
  • informational social influence support
    Asch line task variation = difficulty
    internalisation - more unsure of the answer so more likely to change their public behaviours and private beliefs as they genuinely believe the group is right
  • normative social influence

    person conforms due to the desire to be liked
  • normative social influence occurs when a person conforms because it is socially rewarding or to avoid a social punishment
  • normative social influence is usually associated with
    compliance and identification
  • normative social influence support
    Asch line task original
    37% conformity rate in the critical trials