
Cards (7)

  • what is internal reliability ?

    internal consistency demonstrated in the ey the procedure is applied and the measurements used
  • what is external validity ?
    how consistent the test is over time
  • how do you assess reliability ?
    inter rater, split-half method, test retest
  • what is inter rate reliability ?
    measures internal validity - multiple observers independently record data and their records are compared, if they agree it is reliable
  • what is split-half method ?
    internal reliability- pp complete test which is then divided into two halls and each half is scored. if the test is consistent scores will be the same
  • what is test- retest ?
    external reliability- give the test to same pp on two or more occasions, if results are the same they are reliable
  • how do you improve reliability ?
    increase objectivity e.g operationalise variables and standerdised procedure