Nervous system and endocrine system

Cards (6)

  • The nervous system
    Specialised network of cells in human body and is our primary internal communication system
    Based on electrical and chemical signals
    2 main functions:
    • Collect process and respond to information in environment
    • Cor ordinate working of different organs and cells in body
    It is divided into two subsystems:
    • central nervous system
    • peripheral nervous system
  • Central nervous system
    Made up of brain and spinal cord
    • Centre of all conscious awareness
    • outer layer (cerebral cortex) only 3mm thick and covers brain like orange peel
    • Only found in mammals
    Spinal cord:
    • Extension of brain
    • Passes messages to and from the brain and connects nerves to PNS
    • Responsible for reflex actions such as pulling your hand away from a hot plate
  • Peripheral nervous system
    Transmits messages via millions of neutrons to and from central nervous system - PNS further divided into
    • Autonomous nervous system - governs vital functions in the body such as breathing, heart rate digestion, sexual arousal and stress responses
    • Somatic nervous system - governs muscle movements and receives information from sensory receptors
  • The endocrine system - glands and hormones
    Works alongside nervous system to control vital functions in the body - acts more slowly than the nervous system but has very widespread and powerful effects
    Various glands eg thyroid gland produce hormones -secreted into bloodstream - affect any cell in body that has receptor for that particular hormone
    eg thyroid produces thyroxine - increases heart rate and metabolic rates
    Pituitary gland - controls release of hormones from all other endocrine glands in body
  • Endocrine and ANS working together - fight or flight 

    • Stressor perceived -hypothalamus activates pituitary gland - triggers activity in sympathetic branch of autonomic nervous system - ANS changes from normal resting state (parasympathetic state) to phsysiologically aroused sympathetic state
    • Adrenaline released from the adrenal medulla into bloodstream - triggers physiological changes in body which creates physiological arousal necessary for fight/flight response
    • Happens in instant as soon as threat is detected, automatic
    • Once threat has passed the parasympathetic branch of ANS works in opposition to sympathetic system- rest and digest