report writing

Cards (9)

  • what is involved in report writing ?
    abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, acknowledgements references
  • what is the abstract ?
    a summery of the study covering its aims, hypothesis, method, results and conclusion 150-200 words, used to give other researchers insight as to if they want to read the whole thin
  • what is the introduction?
    review of previous research , so the reader knows why the study is being conducted
  • what is the method?
    a detailed discription of what the researcher did, enough to enable replication including: design, pp, apparatus, procedure and ethics
  • what is the results ?
    summarise the data and what was found including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and conclusions drawn
  • what is the discussion?
    researcher aims to interpret the results and establish any implications for future work and suggestions on how to improve it considering the methodology, results.
  • what are the acknowledgements ?
    the process of recognising a psychologists work and findings within a piece of research or study
  • what are the references?full details of journals, articles or books that are mentioned in the report cited at the end
  • what is the structure of a reference ?
    surname. initial (year)book title.location of publisher. publisher