types of data

Cards (8)

  • what is primary data ?

    gathered by the researcher first hand to answer a specific research question.
  • evaluation of primary data?
    + more reliable and valid due to high control - costs a lot and time consuming
  • what is secondary data ?
    information that has been gathered for other research purposes. the relevant data is is identified and analysed in a way that allows conclusions to be drawn
  • evaluation of secondary data?
    + quick easy + cost efficient - less reliable
  • what is qualitative data ?
    • words, interviews, questionnaires with open ended questions , can be converted to quantitative, behaviour not measured but explored
  • evaluation of qualitative data ?
    + in depth - time consuming
  • what is quantitative data ?
    • numerical data, experiments and correlational data, behaviour is measured, descriptive statistics, inferential statistic tests
  • evaluation of quantitative data?
    + easy to analyse and compare - can't go into depth