measures of central tendency / measures of dispersion
what are measures of central tendency and what are the 3 ?
averages that tell us about the middle value In the data set 1. mean 2. median 3. mode
what is the mean and evaluation?
add all together then divide by how many + most representative - harder to calculate, not used on nominal data, effected by extreme scores
what is median and evaluation?
rank all data in order of highest to lowest then the middle value + not affected by extreme scores, easier to calculate than mean - less representative
what is the mode and evaluation?
most frequent + easy to calculate, unaffected by extreme values - doesn't use all the scores
what are measures of dispersion and what are the 2 ?
variability within the dataset. 1. range 2. standard deviation
what is range and evaluation?
subtract the lowest value from the highest. higher the range the more variation there is + shows overall spread, easy to calculate - not representative if there are extreme values
what is standard deviation and evaluation?
tells you the spread of data around the mean and the relationship between scores + representative, how individual scores relate to others and the mean - harder to calculate than range