importance of physcial processes, everything psychological is first bio, mind lives in the brain so thoughts and behaviour have physical basis
behaviour influenced by genetic make up and inheritance, twin studies used to see extent of genetic basis through concordance rates as MZ share 100 and DZ 50% genotype
CNS especially brain essential for thought and behaviour, understanding structure can explain, use of scanning techniques eg fmri and eeg
chemical processes in brain responsible for physiological functioning, behaviour and thought relies on these, imbalance of chemicals NT cause disorders eg ocd and, neurochemical basis of behavuour
human behaviour has evolved biologicalkg and we have lots in common with ancestors. Darwin , natural selection means advantageous behaviours for survival selevted for and become common
twins, case studies of damage, animal studies to see brain or NT function used
RWA, understanding of neurochemical processes in brain associated with use of psychoactive drugs to treat disorders
eg ADS for depression increases serotonin in synapses to reduce symptoms
better QOL and can live life in community not in hospital
counter limitation
ADs don’t work for everyone
andrea ciprani compared 21 ADs to placebo finding wide effectiveness variations, effect generally mainly modest in comparison
chalpenge’s value as it suggests neurochemistry alone cannot account for all cases of depression and so behaviour, casting doubt
scientific methods of investigation
range of precise and objective methods eg scanning fmri and eeg
advances in tech allows accurate measure of physiological and neural processes in ways not open to bias
based on objective and reliable data
biological determinism
sees behavuour governed by internal eg genetic factors which we have no control
genotype expression (phenotype) heavily influenced by enviro, MZ don’t look or think same
purely genetic arguments become problematic eg crime gene