The near future

Cards (10)

  • The near future is used to talk about things that are _____ to happen
  • The near future has three definitive parts .List them below
    Subject pronoun + conjugated form of aller + infinite verb
  • Write down the forms of aller
    Je vais , Tu vas , Il va , Nous allons , Vous allez , Ils vont
  • I am going to go

    Je vais aller
  • You are going to want
    Tu vas vouloir
  • He is going to play
    Il va jouer
  • We are going to arrive
    Nous allons arriver
  • You (pl) are going to climb
    Vous allez monter
  • They (masc) are going to enter
    Ils vont entrer
  • The near future tense always uses the __________ form of a verb .