Cards (30)

  • It is defined as a flow of data from a source to a destination or a sink.
  • This initiates the flow of data.
    Source Stream
  • This terminates the flow of data.
    Destination or Sink
  • Sources are also called _____.
    Input streams
  • Sinks are also called _____.
    Output streams
  • Enumerate types of nodes or end points
    • File nodes
    • Memory nodes
    • Thread nodes or Pipes
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Input = Reader
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Output = Writer
  • To allow the creation of complex I/O processing, Java uses the concept of "_____" streams.
  • This mean that an instance of one stream is passed as a parameter to the constructor of another.
  • This makes it easy to display a dialog box that prompts users for a vale or to display a message.
  • Where do we find the JOptionPane class?
    javax.swing package
  • This represents a group of objects, known as its elements.
  • ArrayDeque implements _____.
  • PriorityQueue implements _____.
  • This refers to an object that can be used to loop through collections, like ArrayList and HashSet.
  • It reduces the amount of code that needs to be written when placing (or retrieving) an object to (or from a) collection.
    Generics Framework
  • TRUE OR FALSE. In between the diamond operator (<>) is where you have to specify what type of object you will put in your collection.For example, List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
  • It is a top level window with border and title bar.
  • It is a type of container that provides a space.
  • This arranges components in a directional flow, much like lines of text in a paragraph.
    Flow layout
  • This lays out a container, arranging and resizing its components to fit in five regions: north, south, west, east, and center.
    Border layout
  • It is a layout manager that lays out a container's components in a rectangular grid.
    Grid Layout
  • This refers to objects that describes what happens.
  • These are GUI components in which the user invoked an interaction.
    Event sources
  • In Java, all event objects ultimately derive from the class _____.
  • This is a method that is invoked every time that an event is called.
    Event Handler
  • It is used to make tightly coupled components.
    inner classes
  • This allows you to pass unnamed functions as parameters to methods.
    Lambda Expression
  • A package file format typically used to group Java classes into one file for distribution.