divisions of nervous system

Cards (9)

    • central nervous system
    • peripheral nervous system
  • CNS
    -control of behaviour AND regulation of body's physiological processes
    -spinal cord
    In order to do this, the brain must be able to receive information from the sensory receptors and be able to send messages to the muscles and glands of the body.
  • outer layr of brain= cerebral cortex- is what distinguishes our higher mental functions from animals
  • spinal cord- long bundle of nerve cels that carry messages to and from the brain to the body
  • peripheral nervous system
    -refers to any nerves and nerve cells that are not classed as brain or spinal cord
    -two divisions: somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
  • somatic nervous system
    -recieving info from our senses(sensory receptors) and pass to CNS
    -controls voluntary muscle movement
    -The SNS is made up of of cranial nerves (nerves that emerge directly from under the brain)
    and of spinal nerves (nerves that emerge from the spinal cord). These nerves are have both
    sensory neurons and motor neurons.
  • autonomic nervous system
    -involuntary movements
    -communicates info to the CNS from our organs and to our organs from the CNS
    -split into :The sympathetic branch and parasympathetic branch
  • sympathetic nervous system
    -fight or flight
    -helps us deal with emergencies
    -It also slows down bodily processes that are less important in emergencies such as
  • parasympathetic nervous system
    -restores back to normal functioning after emergency has passed, slows heart rate and drops blood pressure
    -digestion begins again