fight or flight

Cards (13)

  • bodily reactions
    -pupil dilation
    -increased heart rate
    -increase muscle tension
    -heavier breathing
    -increases sweating
    -decreased salivation
    -decreased food digestion
  • consists of endocrine system and autonomic nervous system (specifically sympathetic)
  • hypothalamus is part of endocrine system and central nervous system , located just above pituitary gland
  • Signals from the autonomic and somatic nervous system reach the hypothalamus. this then releases chemicals called hormones that target the pituitary gland. this gland then releases hormones that target other glands, such as the adrenal gland.
  • to increase or decrease bodily activities, neurons in hypothalamus sends electrical signals to autonomic nervous system
  • Explain how the hypothalamus communicates with the endocrine system, with reference to the adrenal glands
    When we are in stressful or dangerous situations, the hypothalamus receives signals from the rest of the nervous system (the brain, the somatic nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system). Then the hypothalamus sends instructions to the pituitary gland by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. These instructions tell the pituitary gland to communicate with the other glands, such as the adrenal glands, telling them to either increase or decrease the release of hormones
  • fight or flight
    -SAM pathway puts us into fight or flight
    -involves electrical signalling between hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system
    -involves endocrine system
    -sympathetic nervous system activates glands lie adrenal medulla which releases hormones
  • slow response
    -hypothalamus releases horones that trget pituitary gland
    -pituitary gland releases hormines (ACTH) that actovates adrenal cortex
    -adrenal cortex releases cortisol that binds to target cell
  • fast response
    -hypothalamus sends electrical signals to sympathetic
    -sympathetic activates adrenal medulla which releases adrenaline which binds to target cells
  • rest and digest response
    -hypothalamus sends electrical signals to parasympathetic nervous system, causes opposite effects on body to fight or flight response eg reduced heart rate increased salivation etc
  • limitations
    only males used in fight of fight studies,
    -cat be sure it generalises to females as they might react diff
    -lack population validity
    -also research has shown females DO respond diff, protext themselves and offspring through nurturing, eg would not flee away as it woukd leave their offspring at risk
  • limitations
    -individual differences to danger
    -eg instead of running away, some people may freeze and this action cannot be explained by fight or flight
  • strength
    The fight/flight response is universal for all mammals. This means that anybody who encounters a stressful situation will all experience the same physiological symptoms of this response. Everyone’s pupils dilate, everyone will experience increased heart rate regardless
    of gender or culture. This is a strength as it allows us to predict how the body will react and attempt to deal
    with the stressful situation.