Experimental Design

    Cards (14)

    • Independent Groups Design
      Groups/Conditions are completely separate of each other. Pps are randomly allocated to each group/condition,
      • Each group does only one condition of the experiment
    • Repeated Measures
      Each pp completes all conditions of the experiment
    • Matched Pairs
      The pps in each group are carefully matched on important variables/characteristics relevant to the study. Then for each matched pair, one goes into condition A & one into condition B. This is repeated for each pair.
    • A strength of Independent group design 

      Order effects not a problem, as they only take part in one condition.
    • Weakness of Independent groups
      Individual differences between pps conditions & may be a confounding variable.
      • Less economical due to more pps needed, therefore takes more time
    • Strength of Matched pairs
      Individual differences and pps variables are controlled because the same pps do both conditions. Fewer pps do both conditions. More cost-effective
    • Weakness of matched pairs
      Order effects
      • Bored, Fatigue & practise effects
      • Counterbalancing can be used to try and over come - using the ABBA technique
    • Strength of Matched Pairs
      Order effects are not a problem due to only taking part in the condition once
    • Weakness of Matched Pairs
      Time-consuming to match participants, less economical than other designs
      • Even when matched carefully, can not control every single variable
    • Strength of Natural experiment
      Provides opportunities for studies that would otherwise not be possible to research, mainly due to ethical reasons
      High external validity
    • Weakness of Natural Experiment
      Natrually occurring events happen rarely
      Rare events mean its difficult to generalise findings to other situations
      Pps cannot be randomly allocated - harder to establish cause & effect
    • Quasi expeirment have an IV based on existing difference between people. E.G: Age, gender, social class
    • Stregnths of Quasi experiement
      Same as lab experiement, due to also being able to be done in a lab
    • Weakness of quasi-experiment
      Cannot randomly allocate pps to conditions - confounding variable
      IV is not deliberately changed by the researcher