F-fuel selector both, fuel shut-off valve in, fuel pump on
M-mixture rich
S-switches both
What is our glide attitude?
2 fingers
What is our glide speed?
68 kts
What happens to our glide range if we fly slower or faster than our glide speed?
It decreases
What do you do with an engine failure during take-off roll?
Close full throttle, apply braking and call stopping
What do you do if you have an engine failure after t/o with rwy remaining?
Lower the nose, extend full flaps and land on any remaining rwy
What do you do with an engine failure after t/o with insufficient rwy remaining?
Lower the nose, trim for best glide, select an area 30 degrees from either side of the nose, perform CFMS if time permits and land in the selected area
What do you do with an engine failure above 700ft?
Make a turn onto rwy, side slip or double base if too high, CFMS