5. Functions of Brain

Cards (9)

    1. Localisation of Function in Brain

    Localisation of Function - diff areas of brain responsible for diff behaviours/processes.
    • Paul Broca + Karl Wernicke (19th cent), specific areas of brain associated w/ physical/psychological functions; went against holistic theory.
    • if certain areas brain damaged, then functions associated affected too.
  • 2. Localisation of Function in Brain
    Hemispheres of Brain + Cerebral Cortex:
    • brain divided into left hemisphere, right hemisphere; some functions controlled by particular hemisphere = ’lateralisation’.
    • activity on LH side of body controlled by right hemisphere; activity RH side body controlled by left h.
    • outer layer of both hems. = cerebral cortex.
  • 3. Localisation of Function in Brain
    Motor, Somatosensory, Visual + Auditory Centres:
    • cortex of both hems. sub-divided into 4 lobes = frontal l, parietal l, occipital l, temporal l.
    • back of frontal lobes = motor area, controls movement in opposite side body; damage = loss control of movements.
    • front of parietal lobes = somatosensory area, where sensory info from skin represented; amount of som. area devoted to body part denotes sensitivity (e.g. receptors for face/hands occupy over 1/2 som. area).
  • 3a. Localisation of Function in Brain
    Motor, Somatosensory, Visual + Auditory Centres:
    • occipital lobes = visual area; sends info from right v.f. to left visual cortex (and other way round); damage to left hem = e.g. blindness in right v.f. of both eyes.
    • temporal lobes = auditory area, analyses speech info; damage = hearing loss; damage to Wernicke’s area affect ability comprehend language.
  • 4. Localisation of Function in Brain
    Language Area of Brain:
    • language restricted to left side brain.
    • Broca identified area in left frontal lobe responsible for speech production; damage to Broca’s area = Broca aphasia = slow speech, lack fluency.
    • Wernicke, described patients who had difficulty understanding language; Wernicke’s area (left temporal lobe) responsible for lang comprehension; damage = Wernick’s aphasia (nonsense words).
  • 5. Localisation of Function in Brain
    Phineas Gage:
    • explosion incident = pole through his left eye, up through most of left frontal lobe.
    • survived but damage affected personality; became quick-tempered/rude.
    • suggests frontal lobe responsible for mood regulating.
  • Localisation of Function in Brain (Evaluation)
    P - support for functions being localised, especially in language/memory.
    E - Peterson (1988), brain scans show Wernicke’s area active in listening task + Broca area active in reading task, suggests differing functions.
    E - Tulving (1994), LTM; semantic + episodic memories in diff part of prefrontal cortex.
    L - support = credibility.
  • Localisation of Function in Brain (Evaluation)
    P - support from unique case of Phineas Gage, localisation.
    L - real-life app.
    P - uniqueness = low gen.
  • Localisation of Function in Brain (Evaluation)
    P - Lashley suggests higher cog functions not localised but distributed in holistic way.
    E - removed areas of cortex in rats learning maze; no area proven more important than any other in ability learn maze.
    E - process of learning used every part of cortex.
    L - suggests learning to complex to be localised, uses whole brain.
    P - animal studies = low gen between rat/human brain.