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  • When to use adrenaline? (1:1000).
    Anaphylaxis or threatening asthma
  • Class of adrenaline
    Sympathomimetiend and agonist of a1, b1 and b2 receptors. A1 responsible for vaso constriction. Leads to a resistance in vessels and bp to rise. b1 found in the heart, b2 found in the lungs. b1 contract the heart, b2 bronhchodialtion. Inotropic (contraction) and chronotropic (heart rate) effects.
  • Adrenaline dose
    IM, antero-lateral aspect of thigh. 500mcg - 1/2 a ml.
  • Aspirin indications

    Clinical evidence of ischaemia or MI.
  • Class of aspirin
    Non steroidal anti-flammotory with anti-platelet propeties. Inhibits enzymes cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX-1 and 2). Resposnivle for producing hormone like substances clled prostaglandins. COX 1 -> Producing stomach lining. COX 2 - Thromboxane production. If impaired prevents platelets sticking together.
  • Aspirin dose
    300mg tablet
  • Side affects of aspirin
    Increased risk of gastric bleeding and wheezing.
  • Contraindications of aspirin
    Allergy, under 26, gastrointestinal bleeding, haemophilia or clotting disorders, jaundice
  • Glucagon indications
  • Medication class of glucagon
    Hormone relased from the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets of langerhans. Released to raise glucose and a catabolic hormone. Counterbalance to insuline. 1mg in 1ml IM.
  • Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) indications
    Cardiac chest pain due to angina or MI. Breathless due to pulmonary oedema and cocaine toxicity.
  • Class of medication for GTN.
    Organic nitrate and vasodilating agent. Relaxes smooth muscles arteriolar and venous dilation thus reducing cardiac preload and afterload.
  • Side affects of GTN and dose
    400mcg. Headaches and dizziness, hypotension - check bp.
  • Ipratropium bromide indications
    Astmha or COPD exacerbation unresponsive to salbutamol
  • Ipratropium bromide class of medication
    Antichlinergic. Antagonist of muscarinic acetylchloine receptors. Inhibits parasympathetic system in the airway to generate bronchial secrations and constriction
  • Naloxone indiactions and class of medication
    Reverse opiod toxicity. opiod receptor atangonist. Dose IM 300mcg every 3 mins.