The primitive biological part of the mind, present from birth, consisting of basic biological impulses or drives such as hunger, thirst etc. Known as the pleasure principle.
Mediates between the id and superego, develops around age 2, tries to reduce conflict between the id and superego by using defence mechanisms. Known as the reality principle.
Our inner parent voice, judges whether actions are right or wrong, an internalised representation of the same sex parent. Known as the morality principle.
If a child does not resolve the conflict at each psychosexual stage, they will become fixated in that stage and carry it into adulthood, reflected in their behaviours
Freud's theories contain abstract concepts that cannot be operationalised or measured in a scientific way, making them non-falsifiable and lacking scientific credibility
The psychodynamic approach is deterministic, suggesting that childhood experiences shape adult personality and ignoring the role of free will and other adult life factors