Research methods

Cards (6)

  • case studies
    studies that involve extensive, in-depth interviews with a particular individual or small group of individuals
  • content analysis
    A research technique that enables the indirect study of behaviour by examining communications that people produce, for example, in texts, emails, TV, film and other media.
  • Thematic analysis
    An inductive and qualitative approach to analysis that involves identifying implicit or explicit ideas within the data. Themes will often emerge once the data has been coded.
  • Evaluation of case studies
    +lots of data
    +use many other research methods
    -time consuming
    -cannot determine cause & effect
    -findings may be subjective
  • Evaluation of content analysis
    +No ethical issues, as no people are directly involved
    +High external validity
    +Can produce both qualitative and quantitative data
    -Coding of materials is subjective so may be biased
  • how to conduct a content analysis
    choose sampling method, how the data should be recorded, who is going to collect the data, how the material should be categorised or coded