11. Ultradian + Infradian Rhythms

Cards (15)

    1. Ultradian + Infradian Rhythms
    Circadian - 24hr cycle e.g. s/w cycle.
    • Ultradian Rhythm - type of BR w/ frequency of more than one cycle in 24hrs e.g. sleeping stages.
    • Infradian Rhythm - type of BR w/ frequency of less than one cycle in 24hrs e.g. menstruation or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
  • 2. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Menstrual Cycle - Infradian Rhythm:
    • average lasts 1 month (28 days); varies between 24-35 days.
    • controlled by endogenous pacemakers that promote ovulation or stimulate uterus for fertilisation.
  • 2a. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Menstrual Cycle - Infradian Rhythm:
    • FSH causes maturation of egg in ovary.
    • LH stimulates release of egg.
    • Oestrogen involved in repairing/thickening uterus lining.
    • Progesterone maintains lining of uterus in cycle.
    • Oxytocin stimulates contraction of womb = lining being shed (i.e. period).
  • 2b. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Menstrual Cycle + Exogenous Zeitgebers:
    • McClintock (1998); menstrual synchronicity, longitudinal study of 29 women - irregular cycles.
    • sweat collected, frozen + sterilised, leaving behind pure hormones.
    • 68% experienced change to cycle = closer in line w/ ‘odour donor’.
    • shows infradian rhythms can be controlled by external factors.
    • evolutionary advantage to synchronisation of men. cycle — in past, benefit women fall preg at same time; increased survival.
  • 3. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):
    • depressive disorder w/ seasonal pattern; persistent low mood + pleasure.
    • ‘winter blues’ (Sep-Feb).
    • more common away from equator.
  • 3a. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms

    • effective treatment = phototherapy, involves light box that stimulates v strong light in morning/evening.
    • reset melatonin levels in people w/ SAD.
    • phototherapy relives symptoms in up to 605 sufferers (Eastman 1998).
  • 4. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Ultradian Rhythms - S/W Cycle:
    • development of cog neuroscience (EEGs) crucial to understanding of sleep stages.
    • technology = analyse sleep patterns = sleep in 4 stages (repeat in 90-100 min cycles through night).
  • 4a. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Sleep Stages:
    • light sleep, easily woken; brainwave patterns slower + more rhythmic (alpha waves); even slower as sleep becomes deeper (theta waves).
    • S1 = 4-5%, light sleep, slow muscle activity.
    • S2 = 45-55%, breathing/heart slows, lower temp.
  • 4b. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Sleep Stages:
    • delta waves (slower, greater amplitude); deep sleep.
    • 3 = deep sleep begins, brain generates slow delta w.
    • 4 = very deep sleep, rhythmic breathing/limited muscle activity = produces delta waves.
  • 4c. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Sleep Stages:
    • REM sleep, body paralysed, brain activity speeds up; rapid eye movement.
    • dreaming, muscles relax, heart increase, rapid/shallow breathing.
  • 4d. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Sleep Stages - Dement + Kleitman:
    • monitored sleep pattern of 9 adults in sleeping lab.
    • EEG.
    • controlled effects on caffeine/alcohol.
    • REM activity in sleep correlated w/ experience of dreaming; participants woken in dreaming reported accurate recall.
  • 5. Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms
    Basic Reset Activity Cycle (BRAC):
    • EEG recordings suggest existence of 90min cycle in sleep.
    • Kleitman (1969); similar 90min rhythm continues in waking hrs = BRAC = period of alertness then fatigue.
    • evidence supports BRAC existence e.g. students difficult to concentrate longer than 90 min.
    • Ericsson (1993) found best violin performers practiced for 3 sessions during day (no longer than 90min, break between each).
    • BRAC another e.g. of ultradian rhythm.
  • Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms (Evaluation)
    P - phototherapy effective treatment for SAD.
    E - light box stimulates strong light in morning/evening; resets melatonin levels in SAD; relieve symptoms in 60%.
    E - placebo effect = 30%.
    L - casts doubt on effectiveness of study.
  • Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms (Evaluation)

    P - menstrual synchrony evolutionary value; advantageous for ancestors to menstruate together/fall preg same time.
    E - babies cared for collectively = increase survival.
    E - validity of evolutionary perspective questioned; Schank (2004) argued if too many women cycled together, produce compition for highest quality males.
    L - gender debates.
  • Ultradian + =Infradian Rhythms (Evaluation)
    P - criticism of early synchronisation studies; too many factors affect menstrual cycle (e.g. stress, diet).
    E - cofounding variables; McClintock study, patterns of synchronisation may just be down to chance.
    E - small samples + relies on self-reporting (demand c/social desirability).
    L - low gen, lack ecological validity, low internal v, low reliability.