Cards (4)

  • emergence of psychology as a science 1879-1960's
    1879 - Wundt opens first experimental psychology lab in Germany using his method of introspection
    1913 - Watson establishes the scientific behaviourist approach using controlled lab experiments to observe and measure behaviour
    1960's - Cognitive: mental processes in a scientific way, using a computer analogy to explain the workings of the mind
    1960's - Bandura proposed SLT: bridge between behaviourism and cognitive by studying behaviour whilst paying attention to role of cognitive factors in learning
  • emergence of psychology as a science 1980's-2000's
    1980's - Biological approach: dominant scientific understanding in psychology with increased understanding of the brain and biological processes
    2000's - Cognitive neuroscience brings together cognitive and biological approaches
  • origins of psychology (not science)
    1900's - Freud and the psychodynamic approach which emphasises the influence of the unconscious mind and had a therapy for psychoanalysts
    1950's - Humanistic approach (Maslow) where individuals are unique and have freewill
  • Wundt Introspection
    Introspection is to analyse the conscious mental processes of an individual that involved trained people questioning participants on their sensations (sight, sound, etc) and feelings (love, fear, etc) as they encountered a stimulus