Separation and identification of photosynthetic pigments by chromatography
1. Pigments = absorb light
2. Chromatography = separation of pigments
3. Technique for separating mixtures of pigments
4. A solvent is required that will dissolve out these pigments
5. Each pigment will move a different length along a piece of blotting paper
6. By measuring the distance the pigment moves, it is possible to identify it
7. Transfer plant pigments to chromatography paper
8. Allow chromatography solvent to be absorbed through the paper
10. Measure the distance that the solvent travelled and the distance each pigment travelled
11. Calculate the Rf value: Rf = distance pigment/distance solvent
12. Plants have multiple pigments
13. Each pigment has a characteristic Rf value
14. You should be able to: Separate pigments using chromatography, Identify pigments based on colour and Rf values