Genetic factors in aggression

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  • Genetic factors in aggression - Twin studies
    Coccaro et al: Studied adult male MZ and DZ twins
    • MZ share 100% of genes - 50% concordance rates + 30% verbal aggression
    • DZ share 50% of genes - 20% Concordance rates + 10% verbal aggression
  • Genetic factors in aggression - Adoption studies
    Rhee and Waldman: Meta-analysis of adoptions studies of direct aggression and antisocial behaviour
    Findings - Genetic influences accounted for 40% of the variance in aggression
  • Genetic factors in aggression - The MAOA gene
    • MAOA is an enzyme - Mop up neurotransmitters after a nerve impulse has been transmitted - Breaks down neurotransmitter (Especially serotonin)
    • MAOA gene produces the enzyme - Dysfunction leads to abnormal activity affecting serotonin levels in the brain
    Brunner et al: Studied 30 males from a family who are repeatedly involved in aggressive behaviour
    • Had abnormally low level of MAOA and gene
  • Genetic factors in aggression - Gene-environment (GxE) interactions
    • Genes are not alone
    • Low MAOA gene activity is related to adult aggression when combined with early traumatic life events
    Frazzetto et al: Found an association with higher levels of antisocial aggression + Low activity MAOA gene variant
    • For those who have experiences direct trauma - First 15 year of life
  • Evaluation of genetic factors in aggression - Isolating genetic factors
    • Hard to determine how influential genes are in aggressive behaviour - Hard to separate genetic and environmental factors
    Mcdermott et al:
    • Ppts with low activity MAOA gene behaved aggressively in lab based money game - Only when provoked
    Limitation: Have to highlight importance of considering both genetic and situational factors studying a aggression
  • Evaluation of genetic factors in aggression - Measuring aggression
    • Methods to measure aggression vary between studies - Affecting conclusions about genetic influences
    • Self report
    • Parent teacher reports
    • Rhee and Waldman's Meta analysis - Genetic factors had higher influence on aggression with self-report than parent / teacher reports
    Hard to draw valid conclusion
    Limitation: Inconsistencies - Lowered reliability
  • Evaluation of genetic factors in aggression - Non-human animal studies
    • Hypothesis of MAOA gene originated from mice
    Godar: Blocking serotonin with fluoxetine - Mice reverted to non-aggressive behaviour
    • Valuable insights into genetic mechanisms underlying aggression
    • Link with MAOA gene and aggressive behaviour - Controlled by serotonin levels
    HOWEVER animals and human diff
    Strength: Support validity for hypothesis - However studies themselves lack application