Evolutionary explanations of human aggression

Cards (7)

  • Evolutionary explanation of sexual jealousy
    • Paternity uncertainty - Threat for male cuckoldry / Having to raise a child that not their own
    • Avoid cuckoldry - Being reproductively successful + Psychological mechanisms
    • Sexual jealousy more in males than females - Retain female partners from straying
  • Evolutionary explanation of sexual jealousy - Mate retention strategies, Wilson + Daly
    Male retention strategies involving aggression and physical violence:
    • Directing guarding involved male vigilance over a partners behaviour
    • Negative inducements e.g. threats
    Wilson et al:
    • Women who reported mate retention strategies - Twice as likely to have suffered physical violence
    • 50% - Feared for lives
    • 70% - Medical attention
  • Evolutionary explanation of sexual jealousy - Intimate partner violence, Shackelford et al
    Method: 100 Married couples carried out questionnaires
    • Less than one year married
    • Men - Mate retention inventory
    • Women - Spouse influences report - Extent of violence
    • Strong positive correlation with Men and women reports of physical violence
  • Evolutionary explanation of bullying
    • Bullying - Maladaptive
    • Ancestors could have used bullying - Increasing chances of survival by promoting own health and chances for reproduction
    Volk et al: Characteristics associated with bullying is attractive to females
    • Suggest dominance and strength
    • Wards of rivals
    Women and bullying:
    • Secure partner fidelity
    • Continue to produce offspring
  • Evaluation of the evolutionary explanation of aggression - Research support for aggression and sexual jealousy
    Shackelford et al: Guarding and negative inducements - Overwhelmingly used by males against females and some males
    • Link with greater risk of infidelity, cuckoldry and aggression
    Strength: Supports predictions derived from evolutionary explanation
  • Evaluation of the evolutionary explanation of aggression - Evolutionary explanations account for gender differences
    Campbell: Females with offspring are motivated to be less aggressive - Put her and her child risk
    • Verbal aggression - More adaptive
    • Women more likely to use non-aggressive methods of resolving disputes
    Strength: Able to explain gender differences
  • Evaluation of the evolutionary explanation of aggression - Real world applications
    • Acknowledges bullies bully because they stand to gain advantages for themselves
    • No sense to voluntarily give up the power they have without compensation
    Volk et: Anti-bullying interventions need to increase the costs of bully and rewards of alternatives
    • Encourage bullies to compete aggressively by fairly in sports - Channel negativity somewhere
    Strength: Helpful explanation