Cards (8)

  • Direct and indirect learning, Bandura
    Aggression learned directly - Operant conditioning:
    1. Positive reinforcement
    2. Negative reinforcement
    3. Punishment
    Aggressive behaviour cannot be explained in diff forms - Rather indirect mechanism = Observational learning
  • Observational learning and vicarious reinforcement
    • Children get aggressive behaviours - Observing aggressive models e.g. siblings, characters or parents
    • Child works how aggressive behaviour is performed - Don't have to carry it out themselves
    • Model aggressive behaviour rewarded - Aggression is effective in getting what they want aka. Vicarious reinforcement
  • Cognitive control of aggressive behaviour
    Bandura's four cognitive conditions:
    1. Attention - Observer must pay attention to models aggressive actions
    2. Retention - Remember aggressive actions
    3. Reproduction - Transform mental representation into physical action
    4. Motivation - Reason to imitate behaviour i.e. reward
  • Self-efficacy - Extent we believe actions will achieve desired goal
    • Confidence ability to be aggressive grows - Learn that aggression can bring rewards
  • Research into social learning of aggression, Bandura's Bobo doll
    Method: Children observing adult being aggressive with inflatable bobo doll
    • Children not allowed to play with some of the attractive toys - Increased frustration
    • Taken to another room with bobo doll and some other toys
    • Intimated the model - Some with direct replication
    • Control (Non-aggressive model) - Most show no aggressive behaviours
  • Evaluation into the SLT and aggression - Supporting research
    Poulin + Boivin: SL analysis of preteen boys
    • Aggressive boys were friends with aggressive boys - Training grounds for antisocial behaviour
    • Gained resources from each other
    • Exposed to model of physical aggression + positive consequences
    • Gained reinforcement from reward - Approval
    Strength: Supports validity of the theory
  • Evaluation of the SLT and aggression - Cannot explain all aggression
    Two categories of aggressive behaviour - Reactive + Proactive
    • Proactive - High levels of self-efficacy - Confident they will have benefits + Achieving goals
    • Reactive - Aggression to retaliate in the heat of the moment + Use as retribution
    Less explicable from the SLT and better explained by the Negative affect theory
    Limitation: Lack application
  • Evaluation of the SLT and aggression - benefits of non-aggressive models
    • Argues ppl are not passive recipients but active influences of their own environments
    • Reciprocal determinism - Shape own aggressive behaviour by selecting and creating their surroundings
    • Reduce aggression - Break cycle ppl become more aggressive
    • Encouraging aggressive children to befriend non-aggressive people
    Strength: Real-life application that is beneficial