Institutional aggression in the context of prisons

Cards (8)

  • Dispositional explanations - Importation model, Irwin + Cressey
    • Prisons are not shielded from what's happening in the outside world
    • Inmates bring a subculture of criminality - Beliefs, values, norms etc.
    • Aggression is the product of individual characteristics of inmates and not the prison environments
    • Inmates predisposed to using violence - Do so in any setting
  • Dispositional explanations - Research into the importation model, DeLisi et al
    • 1000 Juvenile delinquents in institutions in Cali
    • Brought in negative DF e.g. Childhood trauma, anger issues, substance abuse etc.
    • More likely to engage in suicidal activity and sexual misconduct
    • More acts of physical violence - Brough to attention of parole board
  • Evaluation of DF of aggression in prisons - Support from research
    Camp + Gaes: Studies 600 male prisoners with similar crimes and predispositions to aggression
    • 30% In low security prisons + 40% in higher security - Involve in aggressive misconduct within 2 years - Not significant
    • Features of a prison environment - Less important predictor for aggressive behaviour than characteristic
    Strength: Support from a field study with random allocations - High validity
  • Evaluation of DF of aggression in prisons - Alternative explanation
    Diluio: IM inadequate explanation - Ignores roles of officials and factors of running a prison
    • Rather, Administrative control model (ACM) - Poorly managed prisons are more likely to experience most serious forms of inmate violence
    Limitation: Alternative explanation means IM is not a sole explanation
  • Situational explanations - The deprivation model, Clemmer
    • Cause of institutional aggression is within the prison itself i.e. situational explanation
    • Cope harsh prison conditions - Resort to aggressive and violent behaviour
    • Deprived of freedom, independence and heterosexual intimacy
    • Deprivation of material goods - Increases of competition to acquire them
    • Influenced by prison regime - Unpredictable lock ups creating frustration leading to anger
  • Situational explanations - Research into the deprivation model, Steiner
    Method: Investigated factors that predicted inmate aggression in 500 prisons in the USA
    • Inmate on inmate violence - Higher proportion of female staff, overcrowding
  • Evaluation of situational explanations - Supporting evidence
    Cunnigham et al: Analysed 40 inmate homicides in a Texan prison
    • Motivations for the behaviours were linked to deprivations - Arguments over drugs, homosexual relationships and personal possessions
    Strength: Supports validity
  • Evaluation of situational explanations - Contradictory research
    Hensley et al: Studied 260 inmates from two prisons that allow conjugal visits
    Findings: No link between involvement in these visits and reduced aggressive behaviour
    • Goes against the prediction that lack of freedom and heterosexual contact lead to high levels of aggressive behaviour in prisons
    Limitation: Research does not show a link