Objectivity Principle - the accounting guideline that requires financial statement information to be supported by independent, unbiased evidence other than someone's belief or opinion
Accountingentity principle - principle that requires every business to be accounted for separately and distinctly from its owner or owners
Goingconcern principle - rule that requires financial statements to reflect the assumption that the business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold unless evidence shows it
Historical cost principle - accounting principle that requires all goods and services purchased be recorded at cost?
NetAssets - another term for equity
Posting - process of transferring the journal entries to the accounts
Credited - when amounts of transactions are entered in an account on the right hand side, they are said to be:
Debit - side of the account increase a cash amount
Credit - a cash payment is recorded on the cash account as a:
A credit may result in - an increase in a liability account
Accountsreceivable - asset as business enterprises creates when it maintains accounts for its charge customers
A debit may signify a decrease in - a liabilityaccouunt
CompoundJournalentry- journal entry that contains more than one debit or credit
Ledger - a group of related accounts that comprise a complete unit
Elements of Financial statements - financial statements portray he financial effects of transactions and other events by grouping the into broad classes according to their economic charateristics
Duality principle transactions and events have a two-fold effect in the elements of Financial statement
Debit - normal account balance of an owner's drawings
AccrualBasis - states that a revenue is recorded when it is earned regardless when it is collected and expense is recorded when it is incurred regardless when it is paid