
Cards (28)

  • Lab experiments:
    Tightly controlled environment
    Manipulated IV
    Measures DV
    Controls EV
  • Lab experiment A03: STRENGTH
    I: high internal validity
    E: Tightly controlled conditions with manipulation of IV which means the researcher has high control over EVs
    C: Certain the only thing affecting the DV is the IV - measured what they intended to measure.
  • Lab experiment A03: STRENGTH
    I: high reliability
    E: can be repeated easily and get the same result
    C: shows the findings were consistent.
  • Lab experiments A03: WEAKNESS
    I: low ecological validity
    E: Artificial environment - participants may not act the same way they would in the real world
    C: affects the extent to which we can generalise the findings to the real world.
  • Field experiments:
    • More natural environment
    • Manipulates IV
    • Measures DV
    • Controls some EVs
  • Field experiment A03: STRENGTH
    I: high ecological validity
    E: accurately represents the real world and results can then be generalised
    C: results can be generalised to real world and used to develop practical applications or understand behaviour in the real world.
  • Field experiment A03: STRENGTH
    I: fewer demand characteristics
    E: behaviour is more likely to be natural as they are less likely to guess the aim
    C: Adds internal validity as we can trust the DV has been affected by the IV
  • Field experiments A03: WEAKNESS
    I: lack of control
    E: In a natural environment extraneous variables cannot be controlled
    C: If there are EVs tit cannot be guaranteed that the DV has been affected by the IV.
  • Quasi experiments:
    • IV is based on existing difference, age or gender
    • tightly controlled environment
    • experimenter does not manipulate the IV
    • Measures the DV
  • Quasi experiment A03: STREGNTH
    I: high reliability
    E: Done in a controlled environment meaning they can be done in the same way again and again
    C: results are accurate and can be repeated and be generalised to the real world
  • Quasi experiment A03: WEAKNESS
    I: cofounding variables
    E: cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions so there may be cofounding variables like gender
    C: Low internal validity because we are not confident that the DV is a result of the IV as the cofounding variables may have affected the DV.
  • Natural experiments:
    • Conducted in natural environment
    • no control over IV - naturally occurring
    • Measures the DV
    • has no control over EVs
  • Natural experiment A03: STRENGTH
    I: high ecological validity
    E: Take place in real world so you will get data that is more generalisable to the real world
    C: Important as it means we can generalise the results to the real world and able to develop practical applications or explain real world behaviour.
  • Natural experiments A03: STRENGTH
    I: fewer demand characteristics
    E: more likely to show real behaviours as they are less likely to know they are in a study
    C: confident that the DV has been affected by the IV.
  • Natural experiments A03: WEAKNESS
    I: lack of control
    E: IV is not being directly manipulated which means there is a risk of extraneous variables
    C: affect internal validity as it could be affected by EVs and be unreliable.
  • Independent measures design:
    Involves using different people in each condition
  • Independent A03: STRENGTH
    I: low chance of order effects
    E: In both conditions - better through practice or worse through fatigue - only complete one condition
    C: only thing affecting the DV is the IV
  • Independent A03: STRENGTH
    I: fewer demand characteristics
    E: take part in one condition so less likely to guess the aim
    C: confident the DV has been affected by the IV
  • Independent A03: WEAKNESS
    I: individual differences
    E: different people so their performance could be affected by their personality/ intelligence
    C: cannot be confident the IV is affecting the DV as it could be extraneous variables
  • Repeated measures design:
    same people part of both conditions
  • Repeated A03: STRENGTH
    I: individual differences
    E: Only change between the conditions is the IV
    C: can determine a cause and effect relationship because individual differences are not affecting the DV.
  • Repeated A03: WEAKNESS
    i: increased demand characteristics
    E: take part in both conditions so more likely to guess the aim of the study and then change their behaviour accordingly
    C: not truly measuring the behaviour of the participants meaning there is low internal validity
  • Repeated A03: WEAKNESS
    I: order effects
    E: take part in two conditions - could get better in second condition through practice or worse through fatigue
    C: not confident the only thing affecting the DV is the IV
  • Counterbalancing:
    ABBA method
    Half of participants take part in condition A and then complete condition B later
    the other half take part in Condition B and complete condition A later
    the ordering of the groups cancels out order effects
  • Matched pairs design:
    different participants in each condition but matched with another participant who is similar in a number of variables
    Give them a pre-test - pair people up with similar scores - randomly allocate to different conditions + then compare
  • Matched A03: STRENGTH
    I: reduced individual differences
    E: e.g. memory study that pairs people with their age in different conditions there will less affected by age
    C: only measuring impact of IV on DV and not impact of individual differences
  • Matched A03: STRENGTH
    I: reduced demand characteristics and no order effects
    E: only taking part in one condition so will not get better or worse and are less likely to guess the aim
    C: only measuring impact of IV on the DV and not impact of individual differences.
  • Matched A03: WEAKNESS
    I: individual differences still happen
    E: Although they are reduced everyone is different and it is impossible to match people perfectly in different conditions
    C: researcher cannot control individual differences meaning there will be low internal validity as cannot be sure the IV is affecting the DV