
Cards (22)

  • Frontier
    Set of all leaf nodes available for expansion at any given time
  • Search Strategy
    How a search algorithm chooses which node to expand next
  • Branching Factor
    Maximum number of successors of any node
  • Heuristic Function
    Estimates cost of cheapest path from current state to goal state
  • Deterministic Environment
    Next state of environment is fixed by current state and action
  • Dynamic Environment
    Environment can change while agent is deliberating
  • Agent Function
    Maps any given percept sequence to an action
  • Fully Observable
    Sensors give the complete state of environment at each time
  • Uninformed Search
    Uses no additional information beyond problem definition
  • Informed Search
    Uses problem-specific knowledge beyond problem definition
  • A* Search
    Tries to minimize the total estimated solution cost
  • Greedy Best-first Search
    Tries to expand the node believed to be closest to the goal
  • Consistent Heuristic
    For n' a successor of n from action a, h(n) ≤ cost(n, a, n') + h(n')
  • Admissible Heuristic
    Never over-estimates cost of cheapest path to a goal state
  • Solution to a CSP

    A complete and consistent assignment
  • Complete Assignment
    Associates values with some or all variables
  • Constraint Graph
    Nodes correspond to variables, links connect variables that participate in a constraint
  • Arc Consistency
    All values in a variable's domain satisfy its binary constraints
  • Forward Checking
    When variable X is assigned, delete any value of other variables that is inconsistent with the assigned value of X
  • Domain
    Set of allowed values for some variable
  • Constraint
    Specifies an allowable combination of variable values
  • Consistent Assignment
    The values assigned to variables do not violate any constraints