A character is confronted with a difficult moral choice and usually ends in his or her death
A humorous entertaining performance with a happy ending
A play that ends unhappily
Themes in classicGreektragedies
Right and wrong
Justice and injustice
Life and death
Pit human limitations against the larger forces of destiny
Tragic hero
A protagonist who is noble and in many ways admirable, but has a tragic flaw, a personal failing that leads to a tragic end (e.g. pride, rebelliousness, jealousy)
A play that endshappily, with the plot usually centering on a romantic conflict, and In most cases, the ends with a wedding.
Maincharacters in a comedy
Modern play
May be tragedy, comedy, or a mixture of the two, usually focuses on personal issues, and is about ordinary people
Modern playwrights
Often experiment with unconventional plot structures (e.g. long flashbacks, music, visual projections of a character's private thoughts)