Cards (20)

  • consciousness
    our awareness of objects and events in the external world + of our sensations, mental experiences and own existence at any given moment
  • normal waking consciousness (NWC)
    SOC experienced when you are awake and aware of thoughts, feelings and perceptions from internal events and surrounding environments
  • altered state of consciousness (ASC)

    any SOC thats distinctly different from NWC natural/induced
  • naturally occurring
    normal part of life that occurs in the course of everyday activities without the need for aid
  • induced
    can be intentionally achieved by use of some aid or unintentionally due to an accident, disease or disorder
  • psychological construct 

    a concept constructed to describe specific science activity thats believed to occur or exist but CANNOT be directly observed
  • NREM (non rapid eye movement) sleep
    stage 1, 2, 3, 4 are determined by brainwave patterns, sleep becomes progressively deeper quiet sleep= brain activity slows down purpose is to help recover from fatigue, repairs body tissue, allows for growth
  • REM (rapid eye movement) sleep
    active, paradoxical sleep, brainwaves exhibit beta rapid jerky eye movements + muscle atonia purpose is to consolidate memories + help with maturation of nervous system
  • electroencephalograph (EEG)

    detects, amplifies, records electrical activity of the brain can be detected through the skull from attaching small electrodes
  • electrooculargraph (EOG)

    detects amplifies records electrical activity of the muscles surrounding the eyes measuring movement and positions of the eyes
  • electromyograph (EMG)

    detects amplifies records electrical activity of the muscles, as they progressively relax the deeper we move into sleep
  • sleep diaries
    self reported record of an individuals sleep and waking time activities, done over several week period
  • video monitoring
    externally observable responses on infrared video cameras which operate silently to allow footage to be taped without disturbing patient
  • hypnogram
     a form of polysomnography, it is a graph that represents the stages of sleep as a function of time
  • sleep
    naturally occurring altered state of consciousness
  • circadian rhythms
    biological processes that roughly follow a 24 hour cycle controlled by our internal "body clock"
  • superchiasmic nucleus (SCN)
    master body clock in the hypothalamus that regulates body activities to a daily schedule of wakefulness and sleep located next to the optic nerve, it receives info about light from eyes
  • zeitgeber
    environmental cue that can synchronise + regulate the bodies circadian rhythm
  • melatonin
    hormone that induces drowsiness and decreases cell activity
  • ultradian cycle

    biological process that follows cycle of less than 24 hours (NREM +REM)