Buddy wasn't meant to chase balls in the grass, run carefree along the beach, or get treats for being a good boy
When Buddy was born, he had a single purpose; to be sold to a laboratory where he and millions of defenceless animals would be used in a series of painful experiments
Buddy is just one of 115 million animals worldwide that are wrongfully enslaved, endangered, and exploited annually
Scientific research on animals
Has resulted in the amelioration of the human condition and safety
Helping develop antibiotics, medicines, immunisations, and surgical procedures
97% of animals are killed at the end of experimentation, living short, demeaning lives, living in fear and pain from the day they were born
47% of organisations perceived to be bettering humanity are, in reality, selfishly performing terrifying, painful procedures that cause psychological distress and suffering
Animals do not have the opportunity to be heard by society, far too long they have been oppressed and defiled
Animals are considered less than humans, that they have less advancedmental capacities, that they have no moral status
Humans prey on animals for a sense of power, taking advantage of them, selfishly tormenting them with the outcome only improving humanity
It is inhumane and narcissistic to inject innocent animals with toxic chemicals or purposefully infect them with diseases, casting their alive, but lifeless bodies in barren, desolate cages
According to the U.S FDA, only 8% of drugs tested on animals are deemed safe and effective for human use
Alternatives to animal testing
3D tissue culture
Stem cell research
Clinical research involving people
Countless other effective,benevolent alternatives
Boycott companies that are cruel to or test on animals
Companies that still animal test in 2024
300 other companies
As consumers we have thepowertostopandholdaccountablecompanies when they remain ignorant
Buddy lost his life. Buddy, along with 115 million animals had their life wrongfully taken away from them after spending what little time they had constantly in fear and pain
The longer we remain ignorant and quiet, the more animals are killed
Boycott, rally, protest, refute and be loud, that is how we are going to be able to save animals and offer them better lives