Gender Bias - unfairly exaggerating or minimising differences between gender
alpha bias: exaggerates, psychodynamic - women are less moral from pens envy
beta bias: minimises - zimbardo only used men but generalised findings
androcentrism: unfairly favours men - milgram
universality: aim to develop theories applying to all (what psychology wants to achieve but may include individual differences) - Darwin and evolution, men and women loo for different qualities
Gender Bias AO3
evidence of gender bias assumptions - darwin theory of sexual selection portrays women as choosy
reinforces stereotype and prejudice - creates misleading assumptions e.g. denying women placement opportunities in work because of PMS
Culture Bias - explanations developed in one culture and unfairly applied to others
ethnocentrism: theory developed using researchers own background then unfairly applied to others - Asch in America
cultural relativism: behaviour can’t be judged properly unless viewed in context it was originated in - Ainsworth SS
Culture Bias AO3
creates and reinforces stereotype - validates discrimination e.g. giving US army an IQ test that was culturally biased making African American score the worst IQ