reducing risk factors

Cards (4)

  • cholestrol
    • type of lipid in the body
    • used for cell membrane functioning, sex hormone structure and synthesis of bile
    • cholestrol transported as lipoproteins(lipid and proteins)- HDLs or LDLs
    • balance of HDL and LDLs is an important risk factor
  • HDL
    • unsaturated fats, cholestrol and protein
    • transport cholestrol from body tissue to liver to be recycled or excreted
    • reduces blood cholestrol when too high, removal of cholestrol from fatty plaques
  • LDL
    • saturated fat, cholestrol, protein
    • move cholestrol from liver to blood stream where it remains until needed by cells
    • increases blood cholestrol when too low
    1. LDLs bind to receptors on cell membrane, allowing cholestrol to be taken up by cells
    2. too many LDLs leads to blockage of receptors and blood cholestrol rises
  • lipoproteins and heart disease
    LDL= bad cholestrol
    • rise in blood cholestrol due to blockage of receptors, formation of plaque in arteries
    HDL= good cholestrol
    • lowers blood cholestrol and reduces risk of atheroma formation
    ratio is important- should be 3:1(LDL:HDL)