
Cards (3)

  • so true so sweet so noble'
    - favours the new woman
    - seen as a role model in supernatural and modern world shows how the new woman is accepted worldwide
    -gentle and almost angelic features to further emphasise her good qualities both spiritually and physically.
    - highlight her best qualities and almost present her perhaps as this Virgin mary with the use of these innocent and pure lexical choices to show the stark contrast to Lucy who can be compared to Mary Magdelene.
  • she has a man's brain- a brain a man should have'

    - interesting that the most positive comments are made by van helsing could this show how British imperialism overlook the new woman ideology?
    - subverts reality of victorian audience who saw males as superior yet here mina has a 'mans brain' presenting her as an equal to men reinforcing her crucial role in the plot
    - otherness
  • I must imitate mina, and keep writing things down'

    - mina is seen as a role model to others -> lucy feels as though she needs to copy mina and be more like her it can be suggested this is her attempt to regain purity or a way of limiting her time in purgatory same way religious people pray for their sins to saints
    - 'things' is very vague therefore could imply Lucy's desires to undergo a transformation to eradicate her Madonna complex yet it's dramatic irony as the readers know its too late for her to adapt her behaviour. This could link to anti-realism as in the characters western Europe realism they wouldn't typical see a woman as a role model yet because Mina's efforts are the striving force for a good result they have to accustom their thinking to something out of their normality.