Gender bias

Cards (12)

  • Gender bias definition
    bias = tendency to treat one individual or group differently from others.
    gender bias -> psychological research or theory may offer a view that does not justifiably represent the experience and behaviour of men or women
  • androcentrism definition
    • male-centred
    • 'normal' behaviour is judged according to a male standard
    • female behaviour - abnormal or deficient
  • alpha bias definition
    research that focuses on differences between men and women - tends to present a view that exaggerates these differences
  • beta bias definition
    research that focuses on similarities between men and women and therefore tends to present a view that ignore or minimises differences
  • universality and bias
    • bias in the research process may be inevitable
    • bias undermines psychology's claims to universalitiy
    • univerality - that conclusions drawn can be applies to everyone, anywhere regardless of time or culture
  • alpha bias example
    Freud theory of psychosexual development
    • during phallic stage = boys and girls develop desire for their opposite-gender parent
    • boys develop strong castration anxiety -> identifies strongly with father
    • girls identify weakly with same-gender parent - so superego is weaker
    • girls are morally inferior to boys
    Biological similarities
    • chodorow - daughters and mothers have a greater connectedness than sons because of biological similarities
    • women develop better abilities to bond and emphasise with others
  • 2 alpha bias examples:
    • Freud
    • biological similarities
  • beta bias example
    Fight or flight response
    • biological research has generally favoured using male animals because female behaviour is affected by regular hormonal changes
    • assumed that both males and females respond to threatening situations with fight or flight
    • Taylor - tend and befriend response - the love hormone oxytocin is more plentiful in women and increases production when women are stressed
    • reduces fight of flight and enhances tend and befriend
    • misrepresents womens
  • androcentrism
    • consequence of alpha and beta bias
    • American psychology association published a list of the 100 most influential psychologist which only included 6 women
    • psychology produced for men about men
    • women's behaviour misunderstood / pathologised
    • premenstrual syndrome - medicalises women's emotions such as anger by explaining these in hormonal terms
    • men's anger - rational response to external pressures
  • Gender bias AO3 - limitation
    P: gender differences are presented as fixed and enduring
    E: Maccoby and Jacklin = differences are hardwired into brain before birth
    Joel = brain scans showed no such sex differences in brain structure
    E: Maccoby and Jacklin research was popularised because it fitted existing stereotypes of girls as speakers and boys as doers
    L: We should be wary of accepting research findings as biological facts when they might be explained better as social stereotypes
  • Gender bias AO3 - limitation
    P: gender bias promotes sexism in the research process
    E: women underrepresented in university departments as lectures in psychology departments are more likely to be men
    E: this means research is more likely to be conducted by men and this disadvantages women ppts as men may have a negative expectations of women and so they underperform in research studies
    L: this means that the institutional structures and methods of psychology may produce gender-biased findings
  • Gender bias AO3 - limitation
    P: research challenging gender biases may not be published
    E: Formanowicz - analysed 1000 article relating to gender bias published over 8 years - research on gender bias funded less often and is published by less prestigious journals
    E: this means fewers scholars can apply it within their own work
    L: gender bias in psychological research may not be taken as seriously