Bacteria - Gram positive bacilli

Cards (69)

  • What disease does Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae cause
    Erysipelas - rhomboidal skin lesions, systemic infection and septicaemia
    chronic - endocarditis and arthritis
  • What plate type does erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae grow on
    Blood agar
    24 - 48 hours
    5-10% CO2
  • What type of bacteria caused these growth on the valves and what is the name of the condition
    Vegetative endocarditis
    Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
  • What name is given to the condition where erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is innoculated into tissues leading to deep infections
  • What disease does Listeria monocytogenes cause
    CNS disease
  • What are the clinical signs of listeriosis
    CNS signs
    Inability to stand up etc
  • What plate type does listeria Monocytogenes grow on
    Blood agar
    5-10% CO2
    24-28 hours
    Will grow between 4 and 45 degrees and PH 5-9
  • Are all these bacteria acid fast or non acid fast
    Non acid fast
  • Where is listeria monocytogenes found
  • What species does listeria monocytogenes affect
    Sheep an cattle
  • Is listeria monocytogenes zoonotic
    Contaminated meat and dairy can enter the food chain
  • What type of people are most likely to have severe signs with listeria monocytogenes
    Pregnant women
    Very young
  • What type of haemolysis does Listeria monocytogenes undergo
    on blood agar
  • What is the pathogenicity of Listeria monocytogenes
    Intracellular survival
    It can survive and replicate intracellularly
    It can solubilise the membrane around them so can break out of the phagosome
    Therefore it is free in the host cell and can enter the blood stream - septicaemia
  • What is the epidemiology of Listeria e.g. in sheep
    See below
  • What is Trueperella pyogenes a commensal of
    Nasopharynx of ruminants
  • What diseases does trueperella pyogenes cause
    Opportunistic pathogen following injury or infection
    Pyogenic infections e.g. summer mastitis due to fly transmission (unusual)
  • What type of haemolysis does Trueperella pyogenes do
    Beta haemolysis
  • What plate does trueperella pyogenes grow on
    blood agar
    5-10 % CO2
    48 hours
  • What is the pathogenicity factor of trueperella pyogenes 

    B haemolysis on agar
  • What type of bacteria could cause a thoracic abscess or vertebral abscess 

    Trueperella pyogenes
  • How could you identify trueperella pyogenes on a strain
    Clusters of replicating rods which are short - stained purple
  • What bacteria is actinomyces the opposite of
  • What are the 3 main features of actinomyces
    Non acid fast
  • What is actinomyces a commensal of
  • What are the two main species of actinomyces
    A . Bovis
    A . Viscosus
  • What issues does actinomyces cause
    Chronic granulomatous suppurative (puss producing) lesions - these contain sulphur granules
  • What plate does actinomyces grow on
    Blood agar
    48-96 hours
    bovis - anaerobic
    others - 5-10% co2
  • What species of actinomyces causes canine thoracic lesions
    Actinomyces Viscosus
  • What signs are associated with canine thoracic lesions caused by actinomyces viscosus
    Pleural effusion
    Inappropriate growths - thoracic granulomas
    Granules on the pleural surface
    Classic pussy granules
  • What actinomyces species causes lumpy jaw
    Actinomyces bovis
  • How does actinomyces bovis work
    There is trauma on the inside of the mouth and bacteria penetrates
    This lets other bacteria in to cause infection
  • How can you spot actinomyces bovis on a stain
    Branching gram positive rods
    Calcium and mineralisation deposits around the bacteria - look like rosettes
  • What are the 3 main features about the nocardia species
    Partially acid fast
  • Which two bacteria species is nocardia in-between
    Actinomyces and Mycobacterium
  • What is found in the cell wall of nocardia and why does it mean
    Mycolic acid
    incomplete gram staining as it cannot get into the cell
  • Nocardia are environmental saprophytes what does this mean
    Lives on dead or decaying organic matter
  • How is nocardia trasmitted
    Inhalation or via wounds
  • Nocardia is associated with immunosuppression in what animals 

    Companion animals and horses
  • What disease does nocardia cause
    Chronic pyogranulomatous nodular disease